Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birthday Pictures

The celebrating was nice and spread out with multiple birthday lunches and get-togethers with friends and family. I had lunch with my friend Ann last week and had lobster!

('s 90 degree weather in Kansas, but we were freezing inside the restaurant)

I like to set out my cards and gifts :)

On my birthday, I had lunch in the park with my sister (and quite a few hungry ducks)

I went to Zoobilee for the first time ever.

lots of yummy food

oh my! and this massage was awesome!

a few furry friends

i wore this cute early 80's dress i found at a garage sale the day before.

I had a fun birthday filled with yummy food, being outdoors, and good music.

Sunday, I had chocolate cake with fudge frosting with the family.

And then this week I had lunch with my friend Steve.

Man was I spoiled :)
Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate

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