Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wild Wednesday - Roller Derby

I love firsts. Maybe it comes from my desire to experience all that life has to offer. Adventures. Even little ones, sitting safely on the sidelines, cheering on our friends who are truly living the adventure.

I experienced my first roller derby bout this weekend...from the sidelines. Even better, I got to watch my friend play her first bout. Go Mash Eddie!!!

Mash Eddie. Number 2'7"

 lookin' for the jammers

Here in Tahoe, we do it outside under the pine trees. The weather was absolutely perfect.

Don't cha just love all the colorful tights and stripey socks?! The girl in purple striped socks is also wearing a tutu.

 The Tahoe Derby Dames' green team wins!!


  1. Jess, I'm so glad you came and had fun! great pics and narrative! hope you come out for the july 21 bout too.

  2. I totally would, but I'll be in Kansas then. Best of luck, Dames!!
