Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project Thursday

How 'bout a tour through my studio and see where all my projects unfold? Well come on :)

Welcome to the spunkidoodle studio!

This is the little nook that is a step down from the main room. There is a sliding glass door behind the desk so I can watch the sun set. And it is quite beautiful right now.

cozy corner

I found this turquoise hanging display in the condo we are renting. I thought it was special enough to make a finger knitted 'rope' to hang it from the skylight...but I can't figure out what to hang from it. Any suggestions?

The roller skates I found at a thrift store this past fall. I almost did a whole post about them entitled "omg! omg!" because I could not stop saying that for at least an hour after I found them.

A few of my camp creations made it on display here. I just finished this rainbow of to-do's and the paper bag schedule yesterday. I have them color coded by priority. My attempt to be more organized and task oriented.

Looking back into the main room. My sewing center :)
Remember those 2 twin beds from the before pics? Well, I stacked both mattresses on one frame and put the other frame in the closet. The mattresses are foam so they are flat and pretty firm, making them a pretty good work space.

shipping center :) ha ha

That's it kids. Hope you enjoyed the tour around my studio. I sure love it!

jessie b

1 comment:

  1. Great space. Remember how many ways I tried to have a space when there wasn't a room? Anyone else have a scroll saw in their diningroom? hahaha
