Thursday, September 8, 2011

Carrot juice & Carrot Burger

Yes, you read that right. Carrot Burger. I made some carrot juice the other day. Added some celery, a couple kale stems, and part of a tomato. It was de-licious! I sucked that thing down like it was a milk shake.

When I went to clean the pulp out of the juicer, it felt like such a waste to throw it out so I decided to throw it in the skillet. I ate it on a toasted bagel with spinach and bbq sauce. It's wasn't too bad (I ate the whole thing except for a bite I shared with Nick), but next time I'm going to try adding some seasoning and maybe an egg. It sure was pretty though. =)

1 comment:

  1. Oooh - a carrot burger actually sounds pretty good, to me! :) Have you ever made lentil burgers? They're super easy + yummy, too...
