Sunday, November 28, 2010

the Sunday Special - Cranberry Sauce

I hope everyone had a warm, cozy Thanksgiving weekend filled with lots of yummy food. We were invited to our friends' house for Thanksgiving and oooh was the food scrumptious! So beats last year's gas station food. You know how when you are growing up and there are always the traditional items on the menu for the Thanksgiving meal? Well, cranberry sauce was never on it at our house. I had the idea that it was gross ... and from a can. Well, it's likely that the canned stuff is gross, but I had homemade cranberry sauce for the first time and it was delicious!

I'll add the recipe my friend used as soon as she sends it to me.

Cranberry Sauce

12 oz of fresh cranberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup water

Wash the cranberries. In a saucepan, disolve the sugar into the water. Then just before it boils, add the cranberries. Their skins will split and cook for 10 minutes or so (she cooked it bit longer though). The longer it cooks the saucier it gets and the more the berries broke down. Then stick it in the fridge to cool.

1 comment:

  1. I spent Thanksgiving at our friends, Mike had to work...bummer. Fresh cranberry salad or sauce is much better than the canned stuff...glad you enjoyed your first homemade sauce!
